On Thu, 17 Aug 2017, at 01:37, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

> Thanks...  But for my present needs, it seems that sox and audacity are
> sufficient: with sox I record tracks from multiple audio cards into
> different
> files; then with Audacity I merge those tracks into one final file, and
> have
> the possibility of adjusting at pleasure the balancing between left and
> right
> channel for each track and also adjust the relative volumes.  In my litte
> basic
> experiments, I don't note any minimum effect due to time drifting or so,
> about
> which I read...

You do realise that merging files, adjusting balance etc are all
possible with 

One reason I do that sort of thing with sox is that by keeping note of
commands I used to do each stage, I automatically document how I 
manipulated a set of audio files.  Documenting anything done via a GUI
in Audacity is a great deal more difficult.

It's worth documenting what you do so that if necessary you can exactly 
repeat the process at a later date.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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