On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 08:35:27AM -0700, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
> The box I've been reconfiguring over the past few weeks has a hardware RAID
> controller card, with one mirrored (RAID 1) pair on it at the time of
> installation. Over the weekend, I plugged two more drives into the two empty
> sockets, to create a second mirrored pair, which shows up in Linux as "sdb."
> Initially, it auto-mounted much the same way the external drive
> auto-mounted. I added this line to fstab, and now it mounts at the
> mountpoint of my own choosing:
> > /dev/sdb /media/Auxiliary ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 2
> Everything seems to work fine, except for two things:
> 1. Gnome produces a desktop icon for it. Before I added the fstab entry,
> that icon was a picture of a modern hard drive; now, with the fstab entry,
> it is, of all things, a generic *document* icon. (By contrast, my USB
> external drive shows up with the "Merlin disk pack" icon I gave it years
> ago, and I didn't have to do anything new for Linux that I hadn't done for
> WinDoze; I've got both .ico and .png files of that icon on the new mirrored
> pair.)
> 2. It can be unmounted. I'd rather it not be unmountable.

I suspect both of those are the result of mounting it in /media.

Try this:

mkdir /aux
umount /dev/sdb

edit fstab to:

/dev/sdb /aux ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 2

mount /dev/sdb

and see if the same behavior repeats.


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