On 09/14/2017 09:51 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:

Richard Owlett wrote:
I wish to "install" to an arbitrary ext2/ext4 partition in such
a manner
  1. Grub2 will recognize it as a legit OS.

Why not install - without quotes - Debian to as few partitions
as possible ?

Because that is NOT my current goal.

The system in the ISO can surely be booted somehow up to some point.
But even if it boots completely, it is not prepared to act as general
purpose GNU/Linux. It's job is to install Debian.

We agree. However, my goal is NOT a "general purpose GNU/Linux".
My goal IS a "thingy/dodad/whatsit" which can perform a single task.
That task being to be indistinguishable, to a human at a terminal, from a standard installer residing on a CD/DVD.

xorriso -osirrox on ... -extract / /media/richard/netinst1

(This is just one way to copy the directory tree out of the ISO into
a disk tree. xorriso packs them up and packs them out.)

I assumed that using xorriso on both ends would give me a "byte for byte" copy. That would imply that whatever was on the deveolper's end was not bootable. ????


But actually you want a runnable normal GNU/Linux.

I want a "thingy/dodad/whatsit" that will install Debian to another location, be it device or partition.

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