On 10/15/2017 11:55 PM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> On 10/15/17, A_Man_Without_Clue <love.cha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10/15/2017 06:57 PM, A_Man_Without_Clue wrote:
>>> On 10/15/2017 08:32 AM, A_Man_Without_Clue wrote:
>>>> I have been running Debian Stretch with LXDE for about 1 week.
>>>> I turned on the PC this morning and and found out that the main LXDE
>>>> panel at bottom (default panel) is gone.
>>>> I had added additional panel at the side with few icons and also had
>>>> changed the back ground image. I  didn't do anything fancy other than
>>>> that.
>>>> The newly added panel was displayed but was missing some icons, only
>>>> showing default desktop PC looking icons. I rebooted to PC to see if it
>>>> would make differences. All icons on the newly added panel came back but
>>>> the bottom menu panel is still missing.
>>>> What went wrong and why?
>>>> How can I get the bottom panel?
>>> I gave up.
>>> What I did was I deleted my account and added myself again.
>>> But it's good to know how to restore the default settings if there is
>>> the way.
>> I don't believe this....
>> Same thing happened again to newly created account....
>> I don't know what caused this. I did same thing. Added new side panel,
>> and changed background image....
>> Clueless now.
> The only thing I can think of is... did you try running your cursor
> (mouse pointer) all the way off the screen in the area where that
> panel usually sits? That would rule out that it's somehow being
> toggled into that hide-n-seek feature that those have..
> A quick search looking for possible keyboard shortcuts (to hide and
> show our panels) reminded me that you could try ALT+F1 to see if that
> brings up your Applications menu or at least something similar.
> Disclaimer is that might not be an LXDE shortcut, but it *is* one for
> XFCE4. I like to think something nice and helpful like that is
> *universal*. :)
> If ALT+F1 works, it would tell you if your panel is still there or
> not, anyway. If that doesn't work, maybe another Internet search will
> reveal a keyboard key combination special to LXDE that you could try..
> You could also try "ps aux | grep panel" and/or "ps aux | grep
> lxpanel", too. That might help show if the panel is even active. As an
> example for mine just now, "grep panel" brought up "xfce4-panel". If
> anyone knows a different grep [variable/value] would instead be
> reflected for LXDE's panel(s) in that output, please help share..
> I had an experience like this a long time ago, but can't remember
> what. I do remember fighting it for a very frustrated extended period
> of time, though. If that experience comes back to mind, I'll come back
> and add to this...
> Cindy :)

Thank you for your input.
No, it wasn't minimizing feature of the panel. The panel was completely
Alt + F1 brings the menu on the LXDE but I did not try that.

What I have found out is that if I add the panel in addition to default
one, the default panel disappears after reboot. Some icons on the newly
added panel also disappears. AND I can not delete the newly added panel.

What I had to do is that I had to re-create my account, this time not to
mess with desktop panel.
This never happened on Jessie, Wheezy and Squeeze.

Very frustrating because I like to use additional panel on desk top.

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