On Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:28:00 -0700 Patrick Bartek <nemomm...@gmail.com>

> On Fri, 20 Oct 2017 19:31:14 +0900 A_Man_Without_Clue
> <love.cha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On 10/16/2017 12:03 AM, A_Man_Without_Clue wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  [big snip]
> > > 
> > > Thank you for your input.
> > > No, it wasn't minimizing feature of the panel. The panel was
> > > completely gone.
> > > Alt + F1 brings the menu on the LXDE but I did not try that.
> > > 
> > > What I have found out is that if I add the panel in addition to
> > > default one, the default panel disappears after reboot. Some icons
> > > on the newly added panel also disappears. AND I can not delete the
> > > newly added panel.
> > > 
> > > What I had to do is that I had to re-create my account, this time
> > > not to mess with desktop panel.
> > > This never happened on Jessie, Wheezy and Squeeze.
> > > 
> > > Very frustrating because I like to use additional panel on desk
> > > top.
> > > 
> > 
> > I just tried other newly installed Stretch. Same problem. I guess
> > this is Debian Stretch specific problem.
> Have you checked LXDE's site for this problem or posted a query about
> it to their mailing list, etc?
> I've been testing Stretch 64-bit in VirtualBox, but only with Openbox,
> LXDE's default window manager, that is, no desktop environment
> installed, and I don't experience this problem.
> Check in your user home directory for .config/lxpanel/default/panels
> and see what's listed.
> FYI:  I'm using sysvinit as init for this test install, but have not
> removed any systemd stuff.  Could make a difference.  Who knows?
> B

After adding an lxpanel in addition to the default one I already had,
configured it, added applets, etc, rebooted, all worked fine.
However, when I deleted the added panel, it along with the default one
vanished. But when I "exited" Openbox to a terminal and ran
startx, Openbox along with the default panel came back.  However, since
I only run Openbox and not a desktop, to have lxpanel start when
Openbox does, I must run 'lxpanel &' it in a file 'autostart'
in .conf/openbox/ in my home directory.  Maybe, you doing the same
thing might be a fix for your problem.


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