
On Thu, 25 Jan 2018 18:26:52 +0000
Michael Fothergill <michael.fotherg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have been looking at the web page here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/BuildADebianKernelPackage
> and noticed that the source file is supposed to be put in /usr/src it
> says.
> It thinks the file would have a format like this:
> *linux-source-x.x.tar.bz2*
> The file
> ​ I downloaded from the kernel.org site looks like this:
> ​
> linux-4.14.15.tar.xz
> I think that is the same thing here (please correct me if I am wrong).

the tarball's format doesn't matter, you'll have to unpack it anyway :-)

> It is currently sitting in my Downloads directory.
> I am going to move it to the /usr/src directory and then run the other
> commands.

That doesn't matter either, I have done this from somewhere in ~/ , I
guess /usr/src is just a recommendation where the sources belong. Maybe
you'll need it there if you compile 3rd party modules or something, not
sure about that.

> I couldn't find the option talking about choosing the gcc version you
> mentioned - maybe the language was too coded for me.

It's right at the start of the man page, paragraph "DESCRIPTION":

" Also, please note that some versions of gcc do not interact well with
the kernel sources (gcc 2.95 has problems compiling the kernel without
the flag '-fno-strict-aliasing'. This issue has been taken care of for
recent kernels (2.2 and 2.4 series are fine) (I think you may have to
edit the makefile for older kernels, or something). You may control which
version of gcc used in kernel compilation by setting the Makefile
variables CC and HOSTCC in the top level kernel Makefile. You can do this
simply by setting the environment variable MAKEFLAGS. To observe, try:

  % KBUILD_VERBOSE=1 MAKEFLAGS="CC=gcc-4.4" make-kpkg configure 

> Also​
> ​if I use this command:​
> make ARCH=i386 defconfig
> ​should ARCH=amd64 or something be appropriate for me running my amd64
> kaveri box here?​

I never explicitely defined ARCH, I guess you only need to do so if you
e.g. want to compile an i386 kernel on an amd64 machine or vice versa.

> ​Also is fakeroot installed by default or do I need to install it
> separately?

That's a separate package.



.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

Where there's no emotion, there's no motive for violence.
                -- Spock, "Dagger of the Mind", stardate 2715.1

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