On Tue, Feb 06, 2018 at 12:03:15PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> If you install the bare minimum like
> Debian base
> xorg
> wdm
> fvwmg
> thumb
> blueman
> alsa
> mc
> you have a non-working system!

Um, what?  No.  That's not correct.

> yes, if you know, WHICH package you need, it can be installed manually
> which is already confirmed by 3 Package  maintainers.

... OK.  So, you install the packages you want.  Just like I do.
No problem.  I even use fvwm.  Never heard of fvwmg though.

> They  assumed,
> that Debian User install always  a  complete  system,  but  where  not
> thinking on users which do not need a full DE.

Baloney.  I install without a DE all the time.  I've got two stretch
systems (one at work, one at home) that I installed without a DE.  I'm
writing this email on one of them.

> Hence, some packages missing dependencies.

Nonsense.  There is literally NO "apt-get install" command you can issue
that will cause your system to have "missing dependencies".  If apt can't
find all the dependencies for your requested packages, it does nothing.

You've broken something some OTHER way.  Perhaps by "removing systemd"?

It would help a whole lot if you told us HOW you "removed systemd" and
what you replaced it with.  Exactly how.  Step by step.  Every single
command you issued, in order.

Or, try this experiment: do a base install and LEAVE SYSTEMD ALONE.
Then install the packages you want (fvwm, etc.).

Be sure to change "allow-hotplug" to "auto" in /e/n/i and reboot.

Does it work?  Does your network interface consistently come up
before your network-dependent services?

Now that you have a working Debian system with systemd and your desired
packages, you can either leave it alone, or attempt to replace systemd
with your desired init system.  If this step causes the breakage that
you reported earlier, THEN we know that the problem comes from whatever
crazy steps you are performing to replace your init system.  And we can
move on from there.

> I will install a second stretch in a VM and install only  the  minimum
> and then Package by Package to  figure  out,  which  dependencies  are
> missing.

OK.  Sounds like a reasonable approach.  Be sure to keep a log of all
your steps.  No "writing it down".  Use script(1) or something.

> Yes, because Debian Stretch does not more boot and I can not see the
> Lilo command prompt

You should be using GRUB, not LILO.

You seem to be doing a lot of weird, low-level, retro-style modifications
to Debian.  Replacing systemd with sysvinit.  Replacing GRUB with LILO.
Why?  What's the point of this?  To see how many different ways you can
break it?

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