On 04/21/18 12:10, Brian wrote:
On Sat 21 Apr 2018 at 13:54:03 -0500, David Wright wrote:

On Sat 21 Apr 2018 at 19:14:06 (+0100), Brian wrote:
On Sat 21 Apr 2018 at 11:36:05 -0500, David Wright wrote:

On Fri 20 Apr 2018 at 20:38:48 (+0100), Brian wrote:
T have a script. It contains an important password.

If you   cat /usr/local/bin/myscript   do you see your important
password on the screen?

With the unencrypted file - yes. With the encrypted file -no.

I have encrypted the script with

   scrypt [enc] -t 10 /usr/local/bin/myscript

I can, of course, decrypt it with

   scrypt dec /usr/local/bin/myscript

and then execute the script.

The two last steps have been combined into

   DECRYPT=$(scrypt dec /usr/local/bin/myscript) && eval "$DECRYPT"

Should I have any more concerns with this command than I have with the
two-step process?

If so, then won't the password be revealed by ps while eval is
evaluating it?

I do not know the most efficacious way to see the ps output in real time
as eval runs. With a bit of trial and error (scrypt is slow enough to
switch to another console and use ps) I captured

23266 pts/7    R+     0:00 mpw -q -F     -M                                     
  -t     railcard

in its output. mpw is the basic command executed by myscript. Switches
are shown but not parameters. -M is the very important one. The gap
would be occupied by the passphrase.

Is it possible that ps output does not show parameters to switches?

Not AFAIK. Here, I can see lines in the list such as:

Then I do not understand why paramters are not shown.

Probably because you did not provide the -f option to ps(1).

When discussing console commands, it is best to cut and paste complete console sessions into your post -- prompts, commands entered, and all output produced. Redact sensitive information as needed.

Maybe they come
later in the output? I can forsee a few sleepness nights trying to
figure this out. :)


$ man ps


At this juncture it appears I should have no worries about ps revealing
the secret.

Incorrect. If a password is passed via a command-line option, 'ps -f' will reveal the password.

ccrypt(1) provides the -E (--envvar) option for providing the name of an environment variable containing the keyword to prevent this vulnerability:




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