On 7/23/2018 9:42 AM, Joe wrote:
On Sun, 22 Jul 2018 18:14:04 -0400
Dave <debiantechquesti...@gmx.com> wrote:

I think i should explain something i did not explain before -

I have an old server that is currently running, it is old and running
Deb 4 , and completely configured to run with our 1 router, server
IP, dhcp, all ports 80, 443, 22, 21 ect ...

The Apache2 issue is on my new server Deb 9.4 which will replace the
old server once it is all configured. At this time the new server is
not configured with the router as i do not believe i can run 2
servers at the same time on the same network ( or can i ). and i do
not want any interruption with the old server running as it is
serving the many websites and network services needed for my business.

In short i am trying to make a smooth transition.

So perhaps Apache is not starting because my new server is not
configured with our 1 router .. ? maybe ?

I have 1 internet line, and 1 router.

No, there shouldn't be a problem. There can't be two DHCP servers in
one network without a lot of faffing about, but it appears neither of
your servers is providing DHCP.

The issue appears to be one of slow network startup. It's still not
completely clear what software is actually setting the IP address on
your server. Being a server, the IP address should be statically set,
not picking up DHCP, and there should be no real need for Network
Manager, if you have that installed. Until we get to the bottom of
this, there will be no progress.

Looks like NM is used:


John Doe

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