Am 20.07.2018 um 22:20 schrieb Kent West:
> I'm running Sid, and after some recent updates (which introduced several
> problems, most of which I've now ironed out), I've noticed that some of
> my emails (read in Chromium via Google Mail) and a few web pages have
> ugly, hard-to-read text. I've since discovered that I can Ctrl-Plus or
> Ctrl-Minus to bump the text/page zoom one notch one way or the other and
> the font clears up.
> How do I find a fix?
> I've used Chromium's right-click/Inspect feature to see fonts mentioned
> (Arial & Tahoma & Lucinda Grande & Sans Serif(?) come to mind), which I
> didn't see on my system using either GWaterfall or Font Manager, so I
> installed a few font packages, which doesn't seem to have helped, but
> which did provide me with fonts with at least similar names in some
> cases. I suspect I'm bouncing in the general area of the problem's
> solution, but not quite there.
> It's a nuisance, but not a huge deal, as the font is somewhat readable,
> and the zoom makes it more so, but it would be nice to get fixed.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks!

Try to turn off hinting (set to "none").

The place, where you can find the setting depends on the desktop.
If you use GNOME, it's in gnome-tweaks.
On Plasma it's in systemsettings.
In Mate it's in  mate-control-center
For LXDE it's lxappearance


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