On 07/27/2018 12:31 AM, Erik Christiansen wrote:
On 26.07.18 08:29, cyaiplexys wrote:
I'd like to try a native compiler but also I would like to have something I
could compile for Arduino (here we go again) and ARM and other CPUs as well.

$ apt-cache search avr | more
arduino - AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries
libavresample-dev - FFmpeg compatibility library for resampling -
development files
libavresample4 - FFmpeg compatibility library for resampling - runtime
gcc-avr - The GNU C compiler (cross compiler for avr)
avrdude-doc - documentation for avrdude
avr-libc - Standard C library for Atmel AVR development
gdb-avr - The GNU Debugger for avr
avrdude - software for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers
binutils-avr - Binary utilities supporting Atmel's AVR targets

Awesome! I also will hope that there is an x86 assembler and maybe even an ARM assembler in there as well (I just want to tinker with assembly language for different types of systems).

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