I use Debian amd64 to develop for 68k and have been for some time now! It works 
great. If anyone needs assistance with this kind of setup let me know. I also 
used to compile for PowerPC but no longer have any PowerPC machines running. (I 
love em but they eat up too much dang electricity)

From: Erik Christiansen <dva...@internode.on.net>
Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2018 5:00 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Cross-Platform Assembly Language Compilers?

On 30.07.18 08:11, cyaiplexys wrote:
> On 07/27/2018 12:31 AM, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> > On 26.07.18 08:29, cyaiplexys wrote:
> > > I'd like to try a native compiler but also I would like to have something 
> > > I
> > > could compile for Arduino (here we go again) and ARM and other CPUs as 
> > > well.
> >
> > $ apt-cache search avr | more
> > arduino - AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries
> > libavresample-dev - FFmpeg compatibility library for resampling -
> > development files
> > libavresample4 - FFmpeg compatibility library for resampling - runtime
> > files
> > gcc-avr - The GNU C compiler (cross compiler for avr)
> > avrdude-doc - documentation for avrdude
> > avr-libc - Standard C library for Atmel AVR development
> > gdb-avr - The GNU Debugger for avr
> > avrdude - software for programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers
> > binutils-avr - Binary utilities supporting Atmel's AVR targets
> Awesome! I also will hope that there is an x86 assembler and maybe even an
> ARM assembler in there as well (I just want to tinker with assembly language
> for different types of systems).

If your desktop/laptop has an Intel chip, then the native toolchain will
be x86. What I tend to do for that is:

# apt-get install gcc
# apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# apt-get install gcc-4.1-doc glibc-doc manpages-dev binutils-doc

Where the "4.1" will be a higher number now. (See what apt-cache search

And for arm:

$ apt-cache search gcc-arm
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi - GNU C compiler for the armel architecture
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf - GNU C compiler for the armhf architecture

You'll be able to get yourself into no end of interesting (not to
mention challenging) situations if you tackle those two and AVR at the
same time.

If you make it as far as tweaking linker scripts, then the info page is
infinitely more informative than the manpage.

Good luck!


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