On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 12:11:50 +0100
Jonathan Dowland <j...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 07, 2018 at 11:40:29AM +0100, Joe wrote:
> >Why, I don't know, but the last time I installed stable, sudo was not
> >installed by default, and never has been in my experience. I always
> >add sudo and mc immediately after an installation.  
> If you set a root password in d-i (as it asks you to), it doesn't
> install sudo. If you try to set a blank root password, it locks the
> root account, installs sudo and sets up the user you created with sudo
> access.

OK, I've never tried that. I always want the option of connecting a
monitor and actually logging in as root, just in case of
difficulties. I believe that some boot problems are not solveable
without being able to provide a root password, long before the
operating system can provide su or sudo.


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