On 28/08/2018 15:27, Michael Stone wrote:
> I will not bother to reply to the rest of the long discussion of
> usenet, since I don't want to be accused (again) of "incorrectly"
> talking about usenet instead of NNTP by someone who wrote a long
> message about usenet.

Note that I could not refute your apparent conflation of Usenet and NNTP
without writing about Usenet. Admittedly, I also got drawn into a
side-discussion of Usenet history with you.

Anyway, I agree that it is difficult to remember who said what (or,
perhaps more importantly, *why* they said it) when a thread gets as
convoluted as this one.

We can agree to agree about that which we agree about, and to disagree
about that which we disagree about. :-)

Mark Rousell

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