I have two files with this problem.

The first one (index.html) which is considered as directory is in

and the second one is a thumb of shotwell:

$ ls -la .cache/shotwell/thumbs/thumbs360/thumb0000000000000c5c.jpg
--wS-w--wT 1 680132648 44094674 24576 mars  27  2211

Le 11/09/2018 à 14:27, Martin a écrit :
> What file system?


> What does 'lsattr' say?

# lsattr .cache/shotwell/thumbs/thumbs360/thumb0000000000000c5c.jpg

> rm

# rm -fvr .cache/shotwell/thumbs/thumbs360/thumb0000000000000c5c.jpg
rm: cannot remove
'.cache/shotwell/thumbs/thumbs360/thumb0000000000000c5c.jpg': Operation
not permitted

(the same for chown)

> What do you get from command stat index.html

 stat .cache/shotwell/thumbs/thumbs360/thumb0000000000000c5c.jpg
  File: .cache/shotwell/thumbs/thumbs360/thumb0000000000000c5c.jpg
  Size: 24576           Blocks: 32         IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 802h/2050d      Inode: 4744568     Links: 1
Access: (5222/--wS-w--wT)  Uid: (680132648/ UNKNOWN)   Gid: (44094674/
Access: 2017-07-08 16:44:21.763005816 +0200
Modify: 2211-03-27 19:08:40.011012642 +0100
Change: 2290-05-04 13:52:16.011012642 +0100
 Birth: -

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