Le 11/09/2018 à 16:44, Michael Stone a écrit :
On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 08:59:56AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 01:52:15PM +0200, Pétùr wrote:
I have some files, with weird permissions:

# ls -la
d-wS--S--T 2 1061270772 2605320832  4096 oct.   7  2412 index.html

Obvious file system corruption.  Unmount, fsck, re-mount, and then
be prepared to restore the data from your last good backup if/when
the fsck failed to repair everything.

+1, except that fsck is not likely to help and you should probably move right to backups. (looking through the backups to find out when the corruption started...)

Mike Stone

Thanks everyone for the output.

I have theses two files for quite some time now and the system is working great without any issue.

Maybe these files were generated by a power shutdown or by a partition full (my machine was not rebooting correctly sometimes ago because a script fills out all the space available).

The permissions of the folders of the corrupt files are normal.

I will make some backup, then try fsck and leave the corrupted files if fsck doesn't get rid of them, maybe reformate later.


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