On Tue 18 Sep 2018 at 14:56:53 (+0200), Pétùr wrote:
> Le 11/09/2018 à 13:52, Pétùr a écrit :
> > I have some files, with weird permissions:
> > 
> > # ls -la
> > d-wS--S--T 2 1061270772 2605320832  4096 oct.   7  2412 index.html
> > 
> > Cannot delete, cannot change owner or group (what is this user
> > 1061270772 and group 2605320832 by the way?) even for root.
> > 
> > How can I get rid of these?
> > 
> > Pétùr
> > 
> Another example of weird permissions today for a file on an external
> hard drive (ntfs)
> # ll
> ls: cannot access 'Western_Europe.zip': No such file or directory
> total 21
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 petur petur   228 Mar 31  2010 activation_map_51183.cab
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 petur petur 10410 Mar 31  2010 map14655-1.gif
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 petur petur  1737 Mar 31  2010 map14655.gif
> -????????? ? ?      ?          ?            ? Western_Europe.zip
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 petur petur  3236 Mar 31  2010 We풦tern_Europe.toc
> # rm -rfv *
> rm: cannot remove 'activation_map_51183.cab': Input/output error
> rm: cannot remove 'map14655-1.gif': Input/output error
> rm: cannot remove 'map14655.gif': Input/output error
> How can I delete these files without formating ?

To what end? I think you've now got an indication of a problem
somewhat more serious than some software dreaming up crazy
file permissions and timestamps.

I would now be looking at rescuing everything you can from the drive
without prejudicing any backups you already have. Meanwhile I'd be
trying to determine the source of this corruption. It's rather
worrying that you've had both internal and external drives
affected. That's outside my experience.


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