On Tue 18 Sep 2018 at 16:11:09 (+0200), Pétùr wrote:
> Le 18/09/2018 à 15:46, David Wright a écrit :
> >> How can I delete these files without formating ?
> > To what end? I think you've now got an indication of a problem
> > somewhat more serious than some software dreaming up crazy
> > file permissions and timestamps.
> > 
> > I would now be looking at rescuing everything you can from the drive
> > without prejudicing any backups you already have. Meanwhile I'd be
> > trying to determine the source of this corruption. It's rather
> > worrying that you've had both internal and external drives
> > affected. That's outside my experience.
> It is a external hard drive plugged to another computer than the first
> one with the file corruption problem.
> This corrupted files are from a internal hard drive which was in a dead
> computer. I backup the file and now I just want to clean my external HDD.

Well at least this drive has an excuse for being corrupted. If the
computer died, it may have left the disk in any sort of state.
But I see no reason to change strategy: rescue what you can and then
see what fsck can do. But I'd be unhappy about using the disk without
some thorough checking.


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