mick crane writes:

On 2018-10-07 19:23, Brian wrote:
On Sun 07 Oct 2018 at 15:33:09 +0100, Brian wrote:

On Sun 07 Oct 2018 at 08:14:05 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

Does gparted run from a terminal?

It does?

A missing menu entry is hardly a show-stopper.

I never made a menu entry, it looks a bit complicated.
The desktop is handy for accessing the software but sometimes it is difficult to start a program say over ssh if you don't know the precise name.
A list of the real names of what is on the desktop would be handy.
for example I didn't know the file browser thing was called thunar until noticing it somewhere.



there are multiple ways of finding out the program's "real" names, but here are some ideas:

* Use `xprop` and click on a program's window.
  For instance, if I click on a terminal window, I get (among other
  things) this output from `xprop`:

        $ xprop
        _NET_WM_PID(CARDINAL) = 20886
        WM_COMMAND(STRING) = { "/usr/bin/urxvt", "+sb", "+bc", [...]

  Thus I know the command is `urxvt` and some parameters (one can also
  try and see what happens without the parameters to check if they are
  really needed).

* Use Help > About menu entries, they at least often have the program's
  name (which need not be equal to the command but often is).
  For the `thunar` command, you get ``Thunar 1.6.11'' under Help > About.

* Locate the .desktop files of your application (might work for desktop
  icons in some Desktop Environments). They sometimes have an `Exec=` line
  which identifies the command used to start the application.


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