On Friday 07 December 2018 04:27:23 hdv@gmail wrote:

> On 12/7/18 1:46 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Thursday 06 December 2018 17:48:21 hdv@gmail wrote:
> >> On 12/6/18 11:31 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >>> Greetings all;
> >>>
> >>> The librecad in the debian repos for wheezy is nearly a decade
> >>> old, v-1.02. There are V2-* stuff that still runs on QT4 some of
> >>> which is already installed.
> >>>
> >>> Is there a repo where I can source a newer version than 1.02
> >>> without destroying my system?
> >>>
> >>> 1.02 is so old the u-tube tuts are nearly worthless, yet it shows
> >>> promise of being able to lay out a boxes rear panel with 13
> >>> connections thru it. which is what I am trying to do.
> >>>
> >>> Or is there an even better 2d app for such?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks everybody.
> >>
> >> Hai Gene,
> >>
> >> Some time ago I tried LibreCAD as well and soon had to conclude
> >> there were too many issues with it to proceed. Meanwhile I've
> >> adopted QCAD (the Pro version)
> >
> > And that I'd assume is not in the repo's for wheezy.  I have looked
> > at the earlier version that is in the repos and found it much more
> > confusing, to the point I'd be doomed from the gitgo. And I'd still
> > have to write the gcode to make it.
> >
> > I have all the measurements written out, so if a decent libreCAD
> > can't be had, I'll just write it in gcode and feed it direct to
> > LinuxCNC. With measurements in hand I can probably have working code
> > by the time I get a good lens in front of the left eye. I've had
> > cataract surgery in both eyes now, and am basically waiting for a
> > stable glaucoma pressure reading so a script for a lens won't have
> > to be done 2 or 3 times before its long term usable.
> >
> > Thanks for the observations about qcad.  Is the pro version offered
> > commercially?
> It is. But the price is real good. If I remember correctly I paid €33
> for it. And it comes with a CAM module, so you can easily have your
> designs CNC'ed. I only once needed support, but that time it was
> outstanding. Installation on my system went without any hitch at all.
> Best of all, it is contained, so you don't have to hunt for files all
> over your system if you decide it isn't the right solution for you.
> There is a community edition that is free. So before spending your
> money you can first test it to find out if you like it.
> You can use command line instructions or just click on the associated
> buttons to draw what you want. Whatever fits you drawing style best. I
> find myself using both styles to be honest (I used to be a command
> line only type, but I got lazy along the way, it seems  ;-) ).
> I am not sure how familiar you are with the AutoCAD-type of
> interfaces, but if you would need some "help", there is a book
> available. The application has built-in help, but that is about the
> available commands and how to use them. The book is more about how to
> draw in QCAD.
> P.S. I am not in any way associated with them (except for being a
> customer).
> Grx HdV

All very encouraging. But in about 4 hours, I've written and tested about 
90 LOC which is about 75% of what I need to have this do. :) So I think 
I'll continue on this path. :)

Thank you.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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