On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 11:51:25AM +0100, Alessandro Baggi wrote:
> Why you choose debian on server? Where for you it is better than centos and
> other server distro?
I actually started with Debian on my laptop.  As a college student I was
assigned a project that had to run on the school Linux cluster (RedHat
6.2, if I recall correctly).  I installed RedHat on my laptop since I
wanted something closer to that environment for my development work.  It
was a real pain.  The "Red Hat way" seemed so convoluted.

A friend who worked tech support in the CS department at school handed
me a Debian install CD for Woody, which had just been released.  Back in
those days Debian's installer was notoriously difficult to use, so I did
not manage to complete the installation.  I asked my friend for help
with the install and once I overcame that obstacle, I was all set.  The
first thing I noticed was that the "Debian way" seemed so much more
sensible to me compared to the "Red Hat way".

After that, I decided to set up Debian on a spare PC in the house and
use it as a firewall/web server/mail server/etc.  I have been trying to
push Debian everywhere I go since.

Now, before you go and think that I am biased, I will say that I am
actually biased :-)

I certified as a RHCE some years ago and I can honestly say that only
highlighted to me how much more comfortable Debian feels in everyday use
both on the desktop and on the server.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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