Gene Heskett wrote:

> Just one of the reasons I have 5 boxes here running wheezy yet, one
> running jessie. But its an armhf, an r-pi 3b TBE, and it is also behind
> dd-wrt.  Perhaps I should watch the dd-wrt logs to see if Ivan has come
> calling but no one answered the doorbell?

:) I bought 2006 or 2007 two industrial PCs (fanless). On is for testing and
one for production. I also was not able to upgrade from wheezy for couple
of years, because there was no kernel to work out of the box with the
chipset and CPU. Few years ago I took my time after office work to dig into
it. I set up NFS boot/root, so that I can easily test and found the
problem. I could compile 4.x kernel. After it was clear what is the
magicall combination of features/configuration it was easy to keep up with
upgrades. The setup was transferred to the CF card of the PC and is happily
serving as a FW and VPN.

Regarding the systemd it is installed as dependency, but not running ...
Anyway these boards are not booting with systemd, but thanks God there are
the sysv packages that make it easy to setup, so as far as we have choice I
am happy with debian.


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