On Friday 04 January 2019 16:27:44 deloptes wrote:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > And becoming a bigger problem by each kernel release.  Just the
> > bigger stack image a context switch involves takes the 64 bit stuff
> > into the very close to unusable state. Even the hit of enabling pae
> > on the 32 bit stuff is a quite noticeable hit on the rt performance.
> > And it doesn't make a lot of sense, with 2 gigs of ram in one of
> > these machines, it rarely gets into swap. Put another 2 gigs in it,
> > and before you can say uptime, its into swap by 3-5 hundred megs.
> > Pure nonsense to this old fart. Sigh, but they won't let me anywhere
> > near the rope that sounds the whistle.
> Why would it swap, because of the RT using memory that can not be
> freed up? Don't know how much RAM cnc requires but 2GB is a lot.

More than enough for LCNC, deloptes.  Its running on the pi with only a 
gig of ram. In a weeks uptime, it has not touched a 10Gb swap. Hasn't 
been particularly busy but LCNC has been running, with the machine power 
disabled all this time. I have that one rigged to shut off all machine 
power when motion is disabled.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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