On 2019-01-06, Brian <a...@cityscape.co.uk> wrote:
> Thank you for your persistence. I was beginning to think your Firefox
> was not from Debian. It appears the feature you describe has disappeared
> from it in more recent versions:
> https://www.ghacks.net/2018/05/21/firefox-62-developer-toolbar-removal/

It would seem rather that the feature or process you have described is the
one that has disappeared from more recent FF versions (F2 SHIFT etc...).

The process I described (sorry for the confusion, but I used FF 64.0
downloaded directly from the FF web site) is the current one. 

Tools--->Web Developer--->Toggle Tools (check)


Tools--->Web Developer--->Web Console (select)

Once the web console is apparent, you can enable the screenshot icon in
the settings menu by checking "Take a screenshot of the entire page"
(you click the ellipsis on the upper right to access the settings menu).
Clicking on the screenshot icon takes a full-page screenshot in png
format and saves it to the default download location. There is also a
settings option to save screenshots to the clipboard.

However, as you have remarked elsewhere, the full-page screenshot
process is not infallible (and with savory irony fails on the recursive,
auto-reproductive bugzilla thread I pointed to in another post,
producing a truncated image).

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