On Wed 09 Jan 2019 at 20:43:19 (+0000), Brian wrote:
> On Wed 09 Jan 2019 at 12:47:42 -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > On Mon 07 Jan 2019 at 23:51:36 (+0000), Brian wrote:
> > > On Mon 07 Jan 2019 at 14:37:30 -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > > > On Mon 07 Jan 2019 at 18:21:07 (+0000), Brian wrote:
> > > > > On Sun 06 Jan 2019 at 18:13:58 -0600, David Wright wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > [...]
> > > > > 
> > > > > > BTW if this Screenshot method is meant to yield a "printable"
> > > > > > document, I haven't yet figured out how to print it sensibly.
> > > > > > $ lp -d PDF very-long-image.png   gives me the image on one page,
> > > > > > and looks, as it happens, like the sort of output that FF sometimes
> > > > > > gives when printing articles: a narrow column of minute text.
> > > > > 
> > > > > To nitpick, the claim was that the Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange page
> > > > > was printable. Whether the marks on paper satisfied a user in all
> > > > > regards wasn't touched on until now.
> > > > 
> > > > I think it's reasonable to demand a certain level of legibility.
> > > 
> > > Indeed. That is why I am looking at printouts from Firefox and lp which
> > > nobody with reasonable eyesight would have any trouble reading.
> > > 
> > > > > For me, printing the screen image obtained from my chosen page from
> > > > > the Print Preview of FireFox gave an acceptable output with a Custom
> > > > > Scale. It helped to choose Landscape mode.
> > 
> > I think I see what you're doing now: you take the snapshot in FF, then
> > open the snapshot in FF again and then use Print Preview to set the
> > scaling factor before you print it.
> That's spot-on, but do not think I am wedded to this technique. If I had
> a desperate to print a one-off (like the originator of this sub-thread)
> I would use it but would be cogniscent of its limitations. Manipulating
> images within the printing system is fraught as far as I am concerned.

I have discovered, through using this Take a Screenshot command (sort
of in anger), that it pays to hit End (or scroll there) before taking
the shot. When imaging this page (which prints poorly here)
the shot was, at first, taken before all the diagrams had been fully

> Curt informatively posted:
>   https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2019/01/msg00447.html
> A twist with the page he refers to is that getting the whole page with a
> right click is not possible at this site.

Confirmed here.

> > > > The landscape mode changes the output from a very tall image printed
> > > > on a portrait page to the same image printed across it instead,
> > > > reducing the scale by the golden proportion.
> > > > 
> > > > > 'lp -d.....' benefits from fiddling with the scaling= option and from
> > > > > orientation-requested=4.
> > > > 
> > > > This gets very involved. Having tried feeding convert with the image,
> > > > I see that it can produce a pretty faithful PDF which suffers only
> > > > from the usual problem of being overtall.
> > > 
> > > Printing from Firefox is hardly involved. Basically, choose the scaling.
> > > Forget about lp; most people never use it directly.
> > 
> > Well, I couldn't see any scaling options in lp except fit-to-page
> > which would be fighting what one is trying to do.
> CUPS itself has removed or deprecated such options:
>   https://github.com/apple/cups/issues/4010
> It is cups-filters which carries the flag now.
> > > > If I was going to indulge in this very often (which I'm not) I think
> > > > it would be worth writing a script to run convert on page-size slices
> > > > of the image, outputting them as PDFs, and collate them into a
> > > > conventional multipage document with pdftk. It would be fairly simple
> > > > to compute the y-size by ratioing the x-size according to the paper
> > > > regime, and even allow for some overlap between pages (because one
> > > > doesn't know where to slice in between lines of text).
> > > 
> > > Sounds more involved than using lp.
> > 
> > I've found that the package posterazor can split the FF image and,
> > trying it out, it seemed to be able to fit-to-width. It can also
> > yield overlapping pages so you don't get lines of print split across
> > pages as with your method.
> > 
> > But again, if I were having to do this regularly, I would prefer to
> > write a script rather than have to go through its 5-step interactive
> > dialogue on each occasion. Most of the degrees of freedom given by
> > posterazor are unnecessary because the values can all be computed
> An ordinary user shouldn't have to do this. OTOH, an ordinary user
> should not feel it is acceptable to impute motives and spread false
> information. A skilled user (such as the starter of this sub-thread)
> could have copied and pasted or used 'lynx -dump ....." to get what
> was wanted.
> It's a pain, But needs must on occasion.

A fairly simple script: read the image pixel size, compute the slice
heights using the paper's aspect ratio, allowing for desired overlap
between pages (and I also make allowance for my printer's excessive
top margin, assuming I'm going to actually put marks on paper). The
tricky bit is finding the needles (-crop, -extent and -page) in the
haystack that is man convert (and its web page), and then using
convert twice, once to generate each image section, and again to
turn this section into a PDF page.

Finally, pdftk catenates the collection of pages into a single
document. No interaction required.


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