stretch, 9.7

I've duckduckgo'd for two days, but there seems to be no definitive answer
as to how networking is supposed to be configured in stretch.'s
link to "The Debian Administrator's Handbook" is for version 8, and talks
about deprecated tools like ifup/down, which aren't even installed by
default on stretch.

I've got a very minimal install of stretch. I used the network install
.iso, and when I got to the "tasksel"-equivalent screen, I unchecked
everything except the bottom-most "Standard system tools" (or whatever it

When I boot into my system, it works as expected; I can ping and, apt install more packages, etc.

But in trying to convert to a static address (by editing
/etc/network/interfaces), and then try to restart the network ("ip link set
dev enp0s3 down", then "...up") subsequent networking results in name
resolution complaints or "network not available" complaints. Nor do any of
the other methods I've tried work - "service network restart", "systemctl
restart networking", "systemctl restart systemd-networkd",
"/etc/init.d/networkng stop" then "...start".

I try a reboot. Still no go.

So I restore my interfaces file to DHCP, and reboot, and all is well.
Until... I try to stop/start networking just to see if I can, using any of
the methods above. A simple "if ... down" followed immediately by an "if
... up", without changing a thing between the two, results in the same
error messages I had earlier, until I reboot.

btw, NetworkManager (network-manager) is not installed.

So, two questions:

1) Why can't I restore my networking after I stop it? How do I restore

2) What is the canonical current method in 2019 to [semi-]manually
configure networking in stretch? And is it documented anywhere? (My two
days of searching leads me to think "no". Or my google-fu really sucks.)


Kent West                    <")))><
Westing Peacefully -

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