On Wed, 13 Feb 2019, john doe wrote:

> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 01:21:45
> From: john doe <johndoe65...@mail.com>
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: How to Restart Networking in stretch
> Resent-Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 06:22:04 +0000 (UTC)
> Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> On 2/13/2019 5:49 AM, Kent West wrote:
> > stretch, 9.7
> >
> > I've duckduckgo'd for two days, but there seems to be no definitive answer
> > as to how networking is supposed to be configured in stretch. debian.org's
> > link to "The Debian Administrator's Handbook" is for version 8, and talks
> > about deprecated tools like ifup/down, which aren't even installed by
> > default on stretch.
> >
> > I've got a very minimal install of stretch. I used the network install
> > .iso, and when I got to the "tasksel"-equivalent screen, I unchecked
> > everything except the bottom-most "Standard system tools" (or whatever it
> > says).
> >
> > When I boot into my system, it works as expected; I can ping google.com and
> >, apt install more packages, etc.
> >
> > But in trying to convert to a static address (by editing
> > /etc/network/interfaces), and then try to restart the network ("ip link set
> > dev enp0s3 down", then "...up") subsequent networking results in name
> > resolution complaints or "network not available" complaints. Nor do any of
> > the other methods I've tried work - "service network restart", "systemctl
> > restart networking", "systemctl restart systemd-networkd",
> > "/etc/init.d/networkng stop" then "...start".
> >
> I wouldn't involve systemd if you're using '/etc/network/interfaces',
> that is, stopped and disabled 'systemd-networkd' and 'systemd-resolved'.
> > I try a reboot. Still no go.
> >
> If after a reboot it is still a no go, that could be that the stanza not
> correct is.
> > So I restore my interfaces file to DHCP, and reboot, and all is well.
> > Until... I try to stop/start networking just to see if I can, using any of
> > the methods above. A simple "if ... down" followed immediately by an "if
> > ... up", without changing a thing between the two, results in the same
> > error messages I had earlier, until I reboot.
> >
> I would broad the interface down, change the stanza then broad it back
> up, Systemd way or 'if up|down'
> > btw, NetworkManager (network-manager) is not installed.
> >
> > So, two questions:
> >
> > 1) Why can't I restore my networking after I stop it? How do I restore
> > networking?
> >
> > 2) What is the canonical current method in 2019 to [semi-]manually
> > configure networking in stretch? And is it documented anywhere? (My two
> > days of searching leads me to think "no". Or my google-fu really sucks.)
> >
> >
> If I can, on server, I do a reboot.
> --
> John Doe
What is in /etc/resolv.conf?
If networkmanager is mentioned, see if nmtui is on your system.



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