On 4/10/19, Alexander V. Makartsev <avbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11.04.2019 0:41, Lee wrote:
>> I installed the xfce version of debian 9 & have a terminal icon on the
>> menu bar that starts xfce4-terminal
>> Is there some way to configure xfce4-terminal so that a right mouse
>> click pastes text?
>> What I have now is right-click brings up a menu where I have to left
>> click on paste.  ick.
>> How do I find out what other terminal programs are already installed
>> that I can try?
>> What terminal programs are available that have a 'right click pastes
>> text' option _and_ has a scroll bar that is
>> 1. easily visible
>> 2. goes up/down a page at a time when left-clicking above/below the scroll
>> bar
>> 3. has up/down buttons on the scroll bar that scrolls a line at a time
>> when clicking on the button
>> Thanks
>> Lee
> Try keyboard shortcuts instead.
> Shift+Ctrl+V - Paste
> It's more convenient IMO, you won't move your hands away from keyboard
> and simply continue typing after paste.

But how do you get something into the paste buffer without using the mouse?

Left double-click to select a "word" & right click to paste is pretty
much automatic for me now - which is why I'm looking for a xfce4
terminal replacement

Thanks anyway tho

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