On 4/10/19, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Lee wrote:
>> > You don't! The programmers didn't include that.
>> wow.  just.. wow.  I wonder if that omission has anything to do with
>> the xterm popcon graph showing about 100K users & xfce4-terminal
>> about 28K
> Probably more to do with the fact that xterm comes as a default
> with all X11 installations.
>> > You can change your button mapping for all of X with xmodmap.
>> but then everywhere I expect a right click to pull up a menu won't -
>> correct?
> Correct. If you swap your middle button with your right button,
> they will be consistently swapped.

Thanks for saving me the trouble of figuring out how to swap mouse
buttons & testing.  Having to press the mouse wheel button to pull up
a menu is a non-starter.


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