>>>>> "R" == Reco  <recovery...@enotuniq.net> writes:

R> As we saw two weeks ago, the decision to run GNOME on Wayland
R> backfired at synaptic. To rephrase, why bother running X if there
R> are no applications left to run on X?

Because I like and I use a lot remote display. Because I prefer it
user program.

If you have only your machine, having or not having "network
transparency" does not matter. If you live in a network, it matters.

>> Say, "can you translate Odissey from ancient greek to Rovigo
>> dialect?"

R> Nope. But I can pay to someone who does, assuming that I want such
R> translation. Same as everyone else.

Theoretically true. I have no idea on how well did perform "feature

R> ... and there are those who did it already. But then again, for me
R> GNOME project went off-rails (usability POV, not a technical one)
R> long time ago. Patching the GNOME to restore sane behaviour is
R> harder than avoiding it.

And that's usually my option.

>> Gnome goal is noble, to let unskilled users use it.

R> I recall hearing similar rhetoric 25 years ago. Some Operating
R> System who's name starts with big W, and it had 4-color flag for
R> logo. Some say that rise in popularity of said OS involved an
R> unspecified amount of unconventional off-market negotiations and a
R> bag of dirty tricks.

And a band of rebels gathering around a penguin totem in the name of

Gnome at least should not chain them in proprietary software.

R> The way things go right now with the GNOME all those impressive
R> tricks will be obsolete. Unless, of course, some kind soul moves
R> that "sway" thing from the experimental to sid.  Because AFAIK
R> there are only four "Wayland window managers" (it's techically
R> incorrect to call them that, I know), and only two of them made
R> into buster so far (GNOME's mutter and weston, the reference one).

Add one more reason to use X.

I use WindowMaker. My wife Afterstep maybe.

Our next project is re-building a new box that plays videos[*] in
sequence. The box has to play a video, them a short slideshow, then a

Proto version is my laptop. 4 kg and lately has some issues with booting.

First production version, made by my wife, used a custom AfterStep
configuration to create the interface to start the loop, stop the loop
and stop the machine. Sadly HW died.

Next version should add the feature to add movies and pics from your
phone over Wifi. Recreating the UI because there is no configurable
window manager available is... ahem... undesired.

Give us X, mplayer, the slideshow module from xscreensaver and some django
stuff, and we are ready to run the box.

 /\           ___                                    Ubuntu: ancient
/___/\_|_|\_|__|___Gian Uberto Lauri_____               African word
  //--\| | \|  |   Integralista GNUslamico            meaning "I can
\/                 coltivatore diretto di software       not install
     giĆ  sistemista a tempo (altrui) perso...                Debian"

Warning: gnome-config-daemon considered more dangerous than GOTO


[*] for those curious about which videos, here are some:


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