On Wed, 17 Apr 2019 13:58:34 +1000
Keith Bainbridge <ke1th3...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 17/4/19 12:06 am, Reco wrote:
> > They write and distribute free (as in freedom) software. It's
> > popular, whenever it's due to the design or in spite of it.  
> I happened across this a Wikipedia while clarifying another comment
> here: <<
> GNOME 3 is the default desktop environment on many major Linux 
> distributions including Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE Linux Enterprise 
> (exclusively), Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Oracle Linux, 
> Scientific Linux, SteamOS, Tails, Kali Linux, Antergos and Endless
> OS; it is also default on Solaris, a major Unix operating system.
> Also, the continued fork of the last GNOME 2 release that goes under
> the name MATE is default on many distributions that targets low usage
> of system resources.
>  >>  
> If so many distro's ship with gnome as default, no wonder it is
> popular.

To say that something is 'default' for many distributions is not the
same thing as saying 'many, many people use it'. I still use a few bits
of Gnome, including Network Manager on my portables, but the last time I
used the DE was at the introduction of Gnome 3, when a sid upgrade left
me with a command prompt. I do expect sid to have occasional issues,but
not to the extent of the complete and permanent loss of graphical
capability. 'We won't support legacy video hardware', said Gnome, and I
said 'fair enough, I won't support Gnome'.

I found later that my video stuff did have hardware acceleration, that
I had never known about or needed, but that isn't the point. Debian is
first and foremost known for its continuous upgrade path, which is
unusual, but then also for its ability to use old hardware. Gnome 3
cannot by definition use hardware which is moderately old.


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