On 6/3/19 8:08 AM, john doe wrote:

> atftpd --verbose=7 --daemon --no-fork --logfile /dev/stdout

Response, run as root:
atftpd: can't bind port :69/udp

They're just kidding. I think -- I don't know what they mean by 'bind'.
I've saved configs over tftp from my Juniper firewall and my Cisco router.

Juniper a few minutes ago (small file; just beginning to get it going):

>  Save configurations (5213 bytes) to SSG140Config.txt on TFTP server from ethernet0/7.
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> tftp transferred records = 11
> tftp success!
> TFTP Succeeded

ghe@sbox:~$ ls -lh /tftpboot/ | egrep SSG
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nogroup 5.1K Jun  3 08:48 SSG140Config.txt

Cisco (bigger file; my border router):

> !!!!
> 12386 bytes copied in 0.584 secs (21209 bytes/sec)

(Cisco makes '.'s instead of '!'s on failure.)

ghe@sbox:~$ ls -lh /tftpboot/ | egrep Run
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody nogroup  13K Jun  3 08:51 brouterRunningConfig.txt

Those two have been known to be picky. And, as far as I know, there's no
way to get them to use anything but port 69.

I've also tftp'ed files locally, using atftp.


> Also, is your " [directory] must be a world readable/writable

ghe@sbox:~$ ls -lh / | egrep tftp
drwxrwxrwx   2 nobody root    4.0K Jun  2 16:00 tftpboot


> drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody root 4096 /srv/tftp

Right now, /srv/tftp is a link to /tftpboot, so it's 777:

ghe@sbox:~$ ls -lh /srv | egrep tftp
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      10 May 31 13:04 tftp -> /tftpboot/

It's owned by root, but it was nobody's when it was a dir (worked just
fine then, anyway). And there seems to be no problem with the link being
owned by root.

Glenn English

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