On Ma, 04 iun 19, 16:45:39, ghe wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > I edited its config file (/etc/default/atftpd) to point it at /tftpboot
> > and not to use inetd, but a restart of the server didn't seem to make
> > any difference. Rebooting the computer did, though, and it showed up in
> > ps with the options I'd written in the config.

"restarting the server" usually means restarting the whole system, you 
probably meant "service" here?

How were you restarting it (the service)?
> > It might also be nice if systemd wouldn't ignore the echo commands in
> > the init shell script -- some of them have been put there to try to
> > figure why something's not working.

Maybe you weren't looking into the right place?

Kind regards,

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