On 6/19/19 12:06 AM, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:

Hello all Debian Users,

Consider the hypothetical scenario below.

I often encountered cases on systems in television stations when they configured sudoers like this snippet below:

%remaja ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

The rationale for above is most programs on such systems can only be accessed by users which are member of remaja (teens) group via sudo, so their sysadmins giving remaja user group full administrator privileges. Is it dangerous?

Regards, Bagas

That is almost as bad as having no security restrictions at all. The
correct thing to do would be to set permissions on the programs to
allow them to be run by group remaja.

I don't say this often. I would immediately fire the person
responsible for instituting this policy on a "production" system. (It
would be a good policy if the system is intended as an educational
environment to allow the teens to ruin things, and learn from
Carl Fink

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