Purely out of curiosity, I'd like to see what's involved in switching a Debian 
buster system from systemd to sysv init. Please, I don't want to restart or get 
involved in any of the existing systemd/sysv flame wars.  I'm *just curious* to 
see if it would work?

First of all, is this even possible?

Second, has anyone done it?  If so, how did you do it?  Here's what I've 
discovered so far:

Step zero:  I fired up a virtual machine and installed stock-out-of-the-box 
Debian buster with mate on it.  I didn't want to have my experiments break any 
of my production machines! Everything that follows is happening on the VM.

Step one:  I searched for packages with "sysv" in their names that weren't 
already installed.  Then I looked for one that said it conflicted with systemd. 
 I settled on sysvinit-core.  The rival was sysv-rc (though I'm sure there were 
others I could have tried).  The reason I rejected sysv-rc is that it does not 
seem to conflict with systemd.  Am I wrong in assuming that this (conflicting 
with systemd) is a requirement for something that will replace systemd?

Step two:  But when I try "apt install sysvinit-core" it wants to delete lots 
of stuff that seem to have nothing to do with systemd at all.  For example it 
wants to remove a bunch of libreoffice packages, and some mate packages,  and a 
bunch of xserver-xorg packages.  More precisely it says they are no longer 
needed and should be deleted by using "apt autoremove".  Somehow that doesn't 
seem right to me.  I’m pretty sure I need those packages.

Step three:  I tried “apt install sysvinit-core sysvinit-utils” and let it go 
ahead and delete all the stuff it wanted to.  Then I rebooted the system and it 
came up running the sysv init, but there was a long pause during the boot 
process while it was trying to start dbus. This eventually timed out and 
continued and gave me a “login:” prompt, but now I get frequent pauses while it 
seems to be looking for a non-existent bus daemon. 

Anybody got any thoughts?

Thanks for any help you can offer!


PS: It would be really cool (TM) if the Debian installer offered sysv as an 

PPS: I googled a bit and found a Devuan website[1] that had instructions for 
getting a small number of .deb packages from the Devuan ascii repo and using 
them to replace the corresponding packages from Debian, but it said to start 
with Debian stretch, not buster.  It also pointed out that gnome (and 
presumably most/all of the other of the other desktop managers) in Debian 
nowadays explicitly depend on systemd, so it’s best done on a pure headless 
server configuration.  This explains why sysvinit-core wanted to delete all the 
stuff like server-xorg and libreoffice.

I’d prefer a solution that was pure Debian (i.e. without being dependent on 
stuff from Devuan[2]) even if it meant being restricted to a headless server 


[2] Don’t take me wrong,  I am very supportive of Devuan.  I even have a couple 
of systems that run it in production, but it does tend to drag a bit behind 
Debian on bug-fixes and latest-feature updates.  This is understandable: it’s a 
much smaller project than Debian.

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