On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:33:58 PM Kenneth Parker wrote:
> So now,
> Google is running the Internet?  Those Universe emails were DEFINITELY text
> only!

For quite a while -- they decide what goes in your (well, their) spam folder, 
and, quite often, if someone else decides something is spam for them, Google 
assumes it is spam for you as well.  

I'm not clear on exactly the circumstances of how that happens, it seems I can 
undo it by clicking on a message and saying not spam.  I haven't kept records, 
but I'm sure that has become undone, presumably when somebody else marks the 
same thing as spam.

(And one bad example of this is when somebody is subscribes to a mail list, 
later decides they are not interested, and marks it as spam (in Google) 
instead of unsubscribing.)

I'm sure all of us you use (or have used) gmail are aware of this, but those 
who haven't used gmail may not be.

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