You could try using the actual device for the -i option (interface) 
wlan0 or, in the new notation wlp3s0, and use nl80122 as the -D 
option (driver).

On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 02:10:02 +0200, Patrick Bartek wrote:

> A problem when trying to associate with a wireless router
> (WPA2). Get the following error when manually executing:
> wpa_supplicant -i wlx<hexnumber>
> -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
> Could not read interface wlx<hexnumber> flags: No such device
> nl80211: Driver does not support authentication/association or connect
> commands
> nl80122: [can't read my own writing on this one]
> Wpa_supplicant fails whether I use the -B (background) switch or not.
> Here's the wpa_supplicant.conf file:
> ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant
> update_config=1
> network={
>       ssid="ROUTERNAME"
> #     scan_ssid=1
> #     key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
>       psk=longhexnumber
> }
> I've tried with and without the commented lines.  Same results.
> Here's the wifi portion of my /etc/network/interfaces
> allow-hotplug wlx<hexnumber>
> iface wlx<hexnumber> inet dhcp
>       wpa-ssid ROUTERNAME
> #     wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
> #     wpa-group TKIP CCMP
> #     wpa-psk SECRETPASSPHRASE
>       wpa-psk longhexnumber
> The wireless is a Rosewill USB RNX-N180UBEv3. It is UP after boot and
> scanning wifi routers works.  System tries to associate to router at
> boot, but fails.  Correct kernel module (rtl8192eu) is loaded.
> Anyone got an idea of why wpa_supplicant is failing?  And how to fix
> it?  All commands issued as root.
> FYI: I have an atypical Stretch install: No desktop environment,
> window manager only; sysvinit, but systemd libraries still installed.
> Boots to terminal, login there, then startx, if I want a GUI.  Wifi UP
> at terminal and scanning works. This is not a laptop.  Wired ethernet
> works and has always (12 years) worked.
> Thanks.
> B

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