On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 21:02:44 -0000 (UTC)
Bert Riding <rerid...@xmission.com> wrote:

> You could try using the actual device for the -i option (interface)...like 
> wlan0 or, in the new notation wlp3s0, and use nl80122 as the -D 
> option (driver).

iw dev or ip a report the device name to be wlx00e04c2a23c4.  This
designation never changes regardless of reboots or which USB port I
plug the wireless device into. I examined the output of dmesg and noted
that udev had reassigned wlan0 to this new name. Don't know why.  And it
does work when scanning or finding device info or bringing device up or
down.  But I initially tried wlan0 anyway.  Got "No such
device . . ." etc.

I tried using -D nl80211 (did you transpose digits?) and not using it.
wpa_supplicant failed with the same error noted below.  Also, tried
wext. Ditto.

Haven't tried wlp3s0, but haven't found ANY reference to that name
on the system regardless of which command I use to show network devices.

Thanks for your input.


> On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 02:10:02 +0200, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > A problem when trying to associate with a wireless router
> > (WPA2). Get the following error when manually executing:
> > 
> > wpa_supplicant -i wlx<hexnumber>
> > -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
> > 
> > Could not read interface wlx<hexnumber> flags: No such device
> > nl80211: Driver does not support authentication/association or connect
> > commands
> > nl80122: [can't read my own writing on this one]
> > 
> > Wpa_supplicant fails whether I use the -B (background) switch or not.
> > 
> > Here's the wpa_supplicant.conf file:
> > 
> > 
> > ctrl_interface=DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant
> > update_config=1
> > 
> > network={
> >     ssid="ROUTERNAME"
> > #   scan_ssid=1
> > #   key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
> >     psk=longhexnumber
> > }
> > 
> > I've tried with and without the commented lines.  Same results.
> > 
> > Here's the wifi portion of my /etc/network/interfaces
> > 
> > allow-hotplug wlx<hexnumber>
> > iface wlx<hexnumber> inet dhcp
> >     wpa-ssid ROUTERNAME
> > #   wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
> > #   wpa-group TKIP CCMP
> > #   wpa-psk SECRETPASSPHRASE
> >     wpa-psk longhexnumber
> > 
> > The wireless is a Rosewill USB RNX-N180UBEv3. It is UP after boot and
> > scanning wifi routers works.  System tries to associate to router at
> > boot, but fails.  Correct kernel module (rtl8192eu) is loaded.
> > 
> > Anyone got an idea of why wpa_supplicant is failing?  And how to fix
> > it?  All commands issued as root.
> > 
> > FYI: I have an atypical Stretch install: No desktop environment,
> > window manager only; sysvinit, but systemd libraries still installed.
> > Boots to terminal, login there, then startx, if I want a GUI.  Wifi UP
> > at terminal and scanning works. This is not a laptop.  Wired ethernet
> > works and has always (12 years) worked.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > B  

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