On Mon 05 Aug 2019 at 21:56:55 (+0100), Ed wrote:
> On 2019-08-05 13:11+0200, deloptes wrote:
> > IMO you can not run multiple X sessions from the same user. I am not 
> > 100% sure, but I can imagine what would happen with the session 
> > manager.
> I have done in the past, one 'ed' would run xfce and another would run 
> evilwm. However, the majority of use would be from 'ed' and a different 
> user account for working from home in.

Sure. This machine is running two X servers as me. As I don't want my
.xsession-errors files to be interleaved, I made one small change to
a system configuration file. In /etc/X11/Xsession I added the line
ERRFILE=$HOME/.xsession-errors-$(/bin/date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
but it does mean that I have to sweep them up. I had thought about
distinguishing them by the VC they started on, but haven't got
round to it. Everything else that requires distinguishing uses

> > So if your first session is on vt7 (CTRL) ALT+F7 the next one will be 
> > on
> > (CTRL) ALT+F8.
> This is what I think is expected now if you want tty1 and ctrl-alt-f1 to 
> match:
>   /usr/bin/startx -display :1 -- :1 vt1

Perhaps this is all to do with your DM. I use startx, and since
stretch the Xserver runs "on top of" the VC that started it, and
as the user, not root. In the past, Xservers ran as root on VC7,
VC8, …

> > I have used this only with different users and from the login manager 
> > or
> > from the desktop by starting new user session.
> How do you run two login managers though so that you can have two users 
> share the same computer without having to log out? In other words, 
> whilst I go and make dinner I want to allow someone else to sit here, 
> without having to shut applications down?
> > Doing it from the same user makes no sense IMO. Why would you do this?

Different window managers and desktop configurations. But that's not
the point. It makes no sense to me *not* to be able to do it. It would
be like going back to non-reentrant code when ten instances of emacs
sessions would mean ten executables tying up memory.

> Well, in the weird times when I did, it was a different desktop 
> environment (evilwm for code, xfce for web browsing and mail). Avoids 
> bells and notifications from disturbing me. I'm not doing that these 
> days, now I just don't want to switch user spaces. If it auto-locked, 
> that'd be nice, too, I seem to remember that switching would auto-lock.


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