On 2019-08-06 10:31-0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I did, created a user test, logged in, but when I came back to the 
> machine 10 minutes later, the screen was locked and showing gene as 
> the default login.

dm-tool did work to switch the user. That solves a problem for now. 
Please don't see this as being too picky, but it would be nice for tty 
invoked startx to work like it used to, say if lightdm drops dm-tool at 
some point in the future. ctrl-alt-function keys seems to work in other 
distros, just not debian any longer, something seems different here.

> Getting old isn't for wimps as I'm finding out while looking for some 
> reason to celebrate my 85th in a couple months.  I guess that makes me 
> officially an old fart?

Many, many people failed to make it that far. I wonder what the kernel 
will be like when I get to 85, maybe it will insult me telepathically!

Best regards,
Ed http://www.s5h.net/

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