On Wed, 07 Aug 2019 10:42:09 +0200
Nimrod <nim...@virgilio.it> wrote:

> Hi,
> my (very old) laptop has been working like a charm until I updated
> from Stretch to Buster. Among the other, the issue in the subject is
> very relevant for me.
> Here is what happens when I turn on wi-fi hotspot on Nokia 3
> smartphone (Android up to date):
> 1) any smartphone or tablet in the family can connect to my Nokia 3
> hotspot.
> 2) my laptop can connect at least to a tablet hotspot (the tablet has
> a rather old Android version, I guess 6 or even less, and it cannot be
> updated); also, my laptop finds a lot of wi-fi networks around
> (currently I'm in a building in the small town of Anzio, Italy, but
> almost every corner of the town is full of wi-fi networks)
> 3) my laptop cannot even see any hotspot provided by a Nokia 3
> smartphone with Android up to date; we have three of them, and I
> checked everyone one of them: they all can be used by the tablet in
> point 2) above, and none of them are even found by my laptop.
> It seems there is something wrong with my laptop and Nokia 3 when they
> try to communicate. Currently I'm still using my Nokia 3 as a modem
> via Bluetooth, but the connection is rather slow. When the wi-fi
> hotspot was working the speed was much higher.
> Some data:
> - the laptop is a HP 6730s, quite slow but incredibly robust; Buster
> is up to date
> - all the Nokia 3 have Android 9 July update
> Thanks in advance for any hint.

A good place to check your wireless issues is the excellent wifi howto
page from debian docs https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse.

You re not mentioning what software you re using to connect to wifi.

For your case I would check 2 things: 1) `dmesg` output to check if you
see any errors from your network card driver or if its loaded correctly.
2) The output of `iwlist scan` to see if the network you re  looking
for is detected from the hardware.


Nektarios Katakis

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