On Wed, 2019-08-07 at 08:31 -0700, Shahryar Afifi wrote:
> Eliminate the possibilities:try to connect other phone's hot spot to
> your laptop.

I tried this with an ASUS tablet, an Alcatel 1 smartphone, and an
unknown smartphone branded by Vodafone. The last two are Oreo, the
first one is a rather old Android version, at most 6.
But they are all immediately seen by my Buster laptop, and the WI-FI
connection works perfectly.
> try using third party app on your phone to set up hot spot.

I tried many, but most of them are just useless shortcut. Anyway no one
works. Can you suggest one?
> try to connect nokia 3 to other buster ( or even windows to test)

I have not another Buster, but I have a Stretch laptop, which has no
problem with my three Nokia 3 smartphone.
> set up hot spot from your laptop and see if you can see it in nokia 3

I did it, and at least one of the Nokia 3 sees the SSID of the hotspot,
but can't connect. The hotspot is created with WEP security, but the
Nokia 3 says the connection has no security at all. This is wrong, but
at least explains why the Nokia 3 can't connect to the Buster hotspot.
I even tried to create another connection on the Nokia 3, setting WEP
as security and the right password, but I didn't succede. Maybe I made
some mistake.
Sorry for the long delay... I had no connection for many days!
Best regards.
> On Wed, 2019-08-07 at 10:42 +0200, Nimrod wrote:
> > Hi,
> > my (very old) laptop has been working like a charm until I
> > updatedfrom Stretch to Buster. Among the other, the issue in the
> > subject isvery relevant for me.
> > Here is what happens when I turn on wi-fi hotspot on Nokia
> > 3smartphone (Android up to date):
> > 1) any smartphone or tablet in the family can connect to my Nokia
> > 3hotspot.
> > 2) my laptop can connect at least to a tablet hotspot (the tablet
> > hasa rather old Android version, I guess 6 or even less, and it
> > cannotbe updated); also, my laptop finds a lot of wi-fi networks
> > around(currently I'm in a building in the small town of Anzio,
> > Italy, butalmost every corner of the town is full of wi-fi
> > networks)
> > 3) my laptop cannot even see any hotspot provided by a Nokia
> > 3smartphone with Android up to date; we have three of them, and
> > Ichecked everyone one of them: they all can be used by the tablet
> > inpoint 2) above, and none of them are even found by my laptop.
> > It seems there is something wrong with my laptop and Nokia 3
> > whenthey try to communicate. Currently I'm still using my Nokia 3
> > as amodem via Bluetooth, but the connection is rather slow. When
> > the wi-fi hotspot was working the speed was much higher.
> > Some data:
> > - the laptop is a HP 6730s, quite slow but incredibly robust;
> > Busteris up to date- all the Nokia 3 have Android 9 July update
> > Thanks in advance for any hint.
> > -- Nimrod <nim...@virgilio.it>

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