On Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 09:20:29AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
I'm not familiar with that particular product, but the BIOS isn't the
CPU firmware, although it may implicitly contain and apply files which
update the CPU firmware; the BIOS is the motherboard firmware, which is
a different kettle of fish.

In modern usage "BIOS" isn't as limited as it was on an IBM PC. E.g., on a modern AMD system the "BIOS" download from a vendor includes the AGESA, which is responsible for initializing the CPU. CPUs are simply more complex, so there are more bits involved with turning them on then there were in the old days. (At least for PCs--large systems in the old days had dedicated small computers to initialize the big computer; e.g., Cray systems used a sun workstation to manage initializiation. We've simply managed to miniaturize the small computer.)

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