Recently I was suggested I read
which led to exploring "afio archives" and "zisofs compression".

I have a half dozen machines with primary drives up to ~700GB.
They have up to 20 labeled partitions (I AVOID UUIDs when possible).
I have a collection of USB devices with capacities from 8GB to 1TB.
I will be obtaining a 10TB drive for this project.

I've just received Debian 10 on a single 128GB Flash Drive.
There is no longer an excuse to not bring all machines up to date.

I'm thinking of creating multiple partitions with human readable partition labels such as "Machine_1" ... "Machine_N" and "Project_alpha" ... "Project_omega". Each partition will then have files named partitionlable_a.iso ... partitionlable_z.iso.

Any suggested reading on pros, cons, howtos?

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