On 10/18/19 11:44 AM, hdv@gmail wrote:

> On 18/10/2019 19.26, Doug McGarrett wrote:
> ...
>> I'm not sure if any Pascal compilers are still available, but
>> Turbo was the most popular back when. Until the last version
>> came out, and it was too complicated for its own good.
> Forgive me for barging in, but I just had to answer that.
> Sure there is! Take a look at Free Pascal (freepascal.org). It is very much
> alive. I use the RAD editor Lazarus (a clone of Delphi for those who still
> remember what that was) that goes with it regularly.

GNU claims to have one too. Search for 'linux pascal compilers'.

>> I took a good look at Python, and decided that the necessary
>> indentation was too much for me to deal with. Maybe there is
>> some kind of automated system for doing this, but I don't know
>> of it.

Vim knows about Python's indentation fixation. It automatically indents
when it sees a colon.

Pascal teaches you to think good thoughts. It's was a wonderful language
to learn back in the late 1970s.

Perl's mantra is "There's more than one way to do it". That's part of
the reason Perl's considered (by some) a write only language -- you
can't understand what you wrote last week.

Python's is "There's only one way to do it". I skipped Python a while
back because of the indentation, too. A Python program looks a lot like
a C program run through a prettyPrinter.

I miss C's preprocessor, but Python has some cool new data structures
and capabilities that more than make up for that omission. Still no
constants, though.

I'd suggest C, Java, Python3, some shell, Perl, and a few others the
employer uses. FORTRAN can be useful for some applications. But if they
want you to write COBOL or BASIC, look for another job :-)

Glenn English

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