
i wrote:
> > The overall design paradigm is object oriented but without fancy stuff
> > like overloading or inheritance. Encapsulation and aggregation must
> > suffice.

mick crane wrote:
> This is interesting topic for me but don't know what these words
> "overloading or inheritance. Encapsulation and aggregation"
> mean in programming context

Object orientation is a design pattern for programming. Invented already
in the 1950s, it long time carved a miserable existence in
let-the-machine-burst languages like Simula or Smalltalk. In the late
1980s it became the modern way of programming. To my knowlege, no other
design pattern has yet really taken over that role.

Pillars of OO are: Aggregation, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism.

Aggregation, already known in Structured Programming, consolidates a set
of variables in a single container structure. This reduces the number of
variables which you have to pass to called functions and helps to keep
an overview what belongs where.

Encapsulation hides the entrails of program parts from most other program
parts so that only a well defined set of functions (aka "methods") is
visible to the others and has to be kept stable for them. This gives the
programmer more freedom to improve parts of the program without damaging
other, unrelated parts.

By these two gestures, "classes" and their "object instances" get defined.
A class is a set of variable definitions and a set of methods which can
operate on the variables. An object instance is a set of variable storage
with individual values. It is subject to manipulation by the methods.
A common analogy in biology is "species" and "individuum".
(That's why the university where i studied offered Simula as language for
 biologists. You should have heard their comments after the first lecture
 which was held in our math faculty's rooms.)

Inheritance strives for re-use of well working and tested program parts
by declaring that a new class is like one or more existing classes with
maybe some extra features and maybe some modifications of the existing
features. The inheriting class only has the code that is missing in the
bequesting classes, which contribute most of the code implementation.
So here the programmer knocks over the clarity, which was gained
by encapsulation and aggregation, by inventing nearly-but-not-really-same
things and scattering their program code over larger parts of the program.

Polymorphism (aka overloading) gives nearly identically looking program
gestures different meanings. Classic is the overloading of the "+"
operator for everything that a drunk mathematician would accept as some
kind of addition. Plus string concatentation and maybe marriage of bits.

If you fail to make your program unreadable by inheritance, try
overloading. This will surely do the trick.

A more substantial overview with a more polite opinion towards C++ et.al.
can be found at
(Note the link box "Programming paradigms" to the right. There you find
 naivity, madness, and deep wisdom.)

Have a nice day :)


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