On 19/11/2019 17:27, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> all of the software  in the article one source offered, requires an
> e-mail server .

No, the software listed at the link I provided
(https://opensource.com/alternatives/gmail) does *not* require that you
have your own email server. The software listed can access your existing
email server via IMAP. (Gmail provides IMAP access).

What these pieces of software do need is to be hosted somewhere. The
easiest and best way for that to be done is to be hosted by an ISP or
email service provider. In other words, you simply obtain the webmail
service from the service provider of your choice.

( For the avoidance of doubt, I also mentioned that it is possible to
host webmail software in your own web space or web hosting account. This
is a little more complicated but (a) it still does not require your own
email server, and (b) it can often be setup automatically by web hosting
control panel software like cPanel. Don't get hung up on this and don't
let it scare you. I mention it because it is potentially relevant, not
that you will necessarily have to do it. It should be seen as a fallback
in case you can't find an email service provider that hosts webmail that
does what you need. ).

I linked to a list of the webmail software that might do what you need
because your requirements are quite exacting. Specifically you need
webmail but it has to use less complex Javascript than Gmail now does
(or use no Javascript at all). Therefore it could be helpful for you to
research what webmail software would work for you. A lot of webmail
software developer sites have demo accounts that you can use to test
whether your web browser can cope successfully. For example, Horde Imp's
demo can be accessed here: http://demo.horde.org/login.php. Some email
service providers also provide demo accounts demonstrating the webmail
software that they provide.

Once you've found webmail software that you know works for you, this
potentially makes it easier for you to find an email service provider or
ISP who hosts it and from whom you can obtain the service.

> I am not in a position to change shell services for example, or dsl
> providers.

No need to change anything like this.

> my ability to Gage  if  the e-mail service  is workable begins and
> ends with   actually testing the address locations involved.

See above for the possibility of demo accounts.

Mark Rousell

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