On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 11:03:42PM +1100, isaac wrote:
>  minissdpd.service - keep memory of all UPnP devices that announced
> themselves
>    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/minissdpd.service; enabled;
> vendor preset: enabled)
>    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2019-11-21 22:54:39
> AEDT; 12ms ago
>      Docs: man:minissdpd(1)
>   Process: 4312 ExecStart=/usr/lib/minissdpd/minissdpd-systemd-wrapper
> status=1/FAILURE)
> Nov 21 22:54:39 Isaac systemd[1]: Starting keep memory of all UPnP
> devices that announced themselves...
> Nov 21 22:54:39 Isaac minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[4312]: Usage:
> /usr/sbin/minissdpd [-d] [-6] [-s socket] [-p pidfile] [-t TTL] [-f
> device] -i <interface> [-i <interface2>] ...

Looks like systemd tried to run the daemon with the wrong arguments,
which triggered this usage error message.

Has this package previously been installed on your system, or have
you copied over a configuration file for this package from another
system, or has anything else occurred which might have left a broken
configuration file lying around?  If so, either fix the configuration
file by hand, or purge the package (along with any remaining config
files), and try reinstalling it.

If that's not it, then this sounds like a bug in the package.  You
could look for existing bug reports, and see if anyone else has
encountered it and has a workaround.  Or, you could analyze the systemd
unit file and any configuration files that it reads, find out where
the problem is, and then report the bug yourself.

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