On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 01:06:25PM +1100, isaac wrote:
>  minissdpd.service - keep memory of all UPnP devices that announced
> themselves
>    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/minissdpd.service; enabled;
> vendor preset: enabled)
>    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2019-11-21 22:54:39
> AEDT; 12ms ago
>      Docs: man:minissdpd(1)
>   Process: 4312 ExecStart=/usr/lib/minissdpd/minissdpd-systemd-wrapper
> status=1/FAILURE)
> Nov 21 22:54:39 Isaac systemd[1]: Starting keep memory of all UPnP
> devices that announced themselves...
> Nov 21 22:54:39 Isaac minissdpd-systemd-wrapper[4312]: Usage:
> /usr/sbin/minissdpd [-d] [-6] [-s socket] [-p pidfile] [-t TTL] [-f
> device] -i <interface> [-i <interface2>] ...

> can you help me why this error please

Not without seeing the systemd unit file and the configuration files
that it reads.

Has anyone reported a bug on this yet?

Have *you* reported a bug on this yet?

I see now that there is some information buried in the Subject of your
email that may or may not be relevant.  I will warn you that many people
do not read the Subject headers.  Any information that is required to
understand or solve your problem should be in the BODY of the email.

In your Subject you include the word "update".

Does this mean you were trying to update this package?  If so, from
what version to what version?

You really need to provide more information.  As I told you previously.

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