On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 06:56:15AM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Bruce Schneier recommends writing passwords down and then keeping the
> > document containing them secure.
> Andrei writes:
> > Not everybody has the luxury of typing password without danger of
> > someone taking a peek over the shoulder.
> True but the admonition isn't "Don't write down passwords if you cannot
> read them back securely".  It's "Never, ever, ever write down a password
> no matter what!"

This violates my preferred maxim: "all generalizations suck". Yeah,
I know it's self-referential and contains (kinda) a negation in it.
The most interesting advances in last century's maths and computer
science happened in this vein ;-)

-- tomás

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